Friday, November 21, 2014

I choose this news because i think that understand the gender violence is very important in this society and I believe necessary raise awareness about this topic. This news speak in specific that sexual violence whit the partners thought too speak the sexual violence whit non-partner. Statistically one in three women have experienced sexual violence, physical or psychological. Too speak about the type of violence against the female gender in all age. According to the news some causes of perpetrator is a mental and personality health disorders, but I think this problem is one social issue around the world not only individual problem to perpetrator, how say to finally the news.  Others point speak in the news tell to the different conditions to increase the likelihood of hide the sexual violence how the idea or stigma than the sexual violence is a matter of the victim and not the perpetrator. The matter the sexual violence is historic in this society and other, in the news the investigator speak the  importance the Governments in this problem how too the society in general for change the discrimination to gender in special for the women. Is hard to avoid the violence in this time, because have much type of violence of gender whit not see. One solution than tell the news is laws that promote equality and non-violent behaviors whit the female gender and the society in general.  

Check the news here

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Hello everyone, in this opportunity I will talk about a movie that I enjoyed called Hide and Seek. It is a film of thriller and drama of 2005 directed by John Polson. I saw this movie some time ago, in the winter holidays, but I not sure, i remember i saw the movie with my boyfriend and my brother in my house.
in this film appears Robert De Niro and Dakota Fanning how father and daugther. He is a psychologist that after the death of his wife of tragic form, begin to see that his daughter have an imaginary friend called Charlie, and begin to behave way strange.
Charlie apparently is bad and is angry with David, the father of Emily. I like this movie that keeps you on guard in all the plot. Finally, Charlie is who you less wait.

Now with applications how Netflix and the internet in general is more easy watch movies. For example two weeks ago I saw The Flat. Isrraeli movie filmed in 2011 by Arnold Goldfinger nominated to awards in all world. is a documentary of a Jewish family that after the death the grandmother discover that your grandparents had a NAZI friends during the Holocaust. is a interesting film to who liked the history and the Jewish culture. The problem is that is not easy to watch online how the Hide and Seek and other.

You can watch the trailer the Hide and Seek here

I Hope you like the movie J

Friday, October 24, 2014

Hello class in this opportunity how is free writ a post, I will talk about the actor and a one series that like much. This is Dr. House and Hug Laurie (House). Really I don’t know that more writ that it’s why I talk this series. I like much the series, CSI, Nip/Tuck, Dr. House, Cold Case, En Tereapia, Prison Break, Heroes, and more.
Is hard for me decide a one series in especial, but I like Dr. House and the actor Hugh Laurie. He is an actor and musician British very good. Was born the 11 of june of 1959 in Oxford. He went to university at Selwyn College, Cambridge, in 1978, to study anthropology and archaeology and led him to join the Cambridge Footlights, a theatre group that has launched many successful comedy careers. This was his first nearness with starring.
He made a lot of interpretation in your career as an actor, musician, and in the comedy. But is in 2004, when he made the role that would make him famous in the United States and i love it. For that give up his aristocratic British accent, Hugh adopted an American drawl and fit in the role of Dr. Gregory House in the great series. His limping, pain-killer addicted, cynical, and genius doctor, whit him particular characteristic be a brutally honest he win a Golden Globe awards in 2006 and 2007. In 2007, He was also made an Officer of the British Empire and is an important actor multifaceted.

I don’t know that like at Hugh or House, but I love it both. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

Hello today I´ll write about what I´m reading at the moment. In this moment I´m reading principally text to the university.   I like the clinical area, and I’m study the psychoanalysis whit the teacher Hugo Rojas for the class of introduction to the clinical psychoanalytical Freudians. In this subject what I’m reading a work the Freud in the collection “Obras completas”, in diverse volume. Is not easy understand to Freud in the first moment.  In other subject I’m reading equally psychoanalysis, but to work whit children’s and teenager, in this case what I’m reading the work to Rodulfo, Klain, Dolto and Mannoni. Is to me a big change, because when I began to study psychology  I don’t like the psychoanalysis, but when I knew the theory and the different subject I changed my opinion.  

In this moment I would like read a novel the other kind, for example a book that I would read a long ago is “el cementerio de Praga” of Humberto Eco. That is a fiction novel; the protagonist is Simone Simonini, who in the particular moment knows to the Doctor Freud. I think that is for this I would read the book. The last book I read is “the Gabriel inferno” because in the history talk about the “La Divina Comedia” of Dante Alighieri and I like this book.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Hello, a memorable celebration I can remember is a valentine days in 2012, well, and also my birthday that is the 15 of February. It was especial for me because I was whit my boyfriend and my family and because I turn 18 years old. I remember that day we were at the beach in Bucalemu near to Pichilemu and was a week the anniversary of the beach. Had live music and arts and craft beach fear in the night. I was in the beach all week and in the night hung out to eat and walk for the beach. In the night the valentine days I remember stay in the beach listened to Vicentico and in the middle of the night began to see fireworks in the sky. I like much to fireworks  I think that was especial whit my because I was whit my boyfriend and my family and I was a year old more. This year was an important for me, because was a first year of university and was more relaxed after to all process that indicate enter to university. Also remember that I went whit my dogs. I love the dogs, but was a small problem whit the fireworks. In the next morning I woke up a little late and I ate a lot of cake. Up to now pass these dates in the beach whit my family and my boyfriend, I love it, the problem is that don’t see all my friends in this day. 

Friday, October 3, 2014

Hello today, I will talk about this my friends, especially about my friends that school. I think that I don’t have best friends that school, because I have five friends. Bárbara, Fernanda, Marcela, Gabriela y Paz. In this case I will talk about this Bárbara. I met to Bárbara in second year of primary in 2001 in school Santa María de Paine. There we were classmate and friends until graduate. We saw all week in that time. How she study and I too, don’t see that more often. She study English teaching in the Universidad Alberto Hurtado and I don´t like much her decision. :c  Whit Bárbara we are very different. I remember that in the school discussed much about all but we never had a big argue. Now share books and novels because we like read very much.  Share to love for the dogs and the foods, excepted for the cheese. She hates cheese and I love cheese. But in the same way eat pizza whit cheese!! I don’t understand!!

Try to see often but the time don´t help to much. As well as when made a reunion whit the other friend is more difficult agree to the same time. Equally we try to speak constant and Whatsapp help that. We like laugh more and speak of the life in general.

Probably my dear friends reprimand me for my redaction.  :c

Friday, August 29, 2014

Hello everyone, today I talk about that’s my song, actually I don´t know that about write the blog, but the music I like much.  Is very hard decide which is my favorite song, but I liked music in general. The music is very important in my life, because don’t be the same without this. Well, I like different musical groups, as Pink Floyd, Pearl Jam, Radiohead, Nirvana, and Guns N’ Roses, between others.

My favorite group is Guns N’ Roses and Pearl Jam, I heard for first time when I had twelve years old. I have many songs that like, the old songs that like more is Estranged by Guns N’ Roses, is relaxed and very emotive for my, this is a first song that heard and I liked more when I heard live in concert in 2010 and 2011. I have beautiful moment whit this song.

Show the video here!

The other song that likes, and is very emotive for me is Just Breathe by Eddie Vedder, vocalist off Pearl Jam, this is a soundtrack the film “Into The Wild”, this is a movie that very likes for talk about a dream I want to do someday. I hope heard this song and you likes.

Show the video here!

show the trailer of  Into The Wild movie here -->

I think that the music is very important for all, I hope you enjoy.  

Regards. (239)