Friday, October 17, 2014

Hello today I´ll write about what I´m reading at the moment. In this moment I´m reading principally text to the university.   I like the clinical area, and I’m study the psychoanalysis whit the teacher Hugo Rojas for the class of introduction to the clinical psychoanalytical Freudians. In this subject what I’m reading a work the Freud in the collection “Obras completas”, in diverse volume. Is not easy understand to Freud in the first moment.  In other subject I’m reading equally psychoanalysis, but to work whit children’s and teenager, in this case what I’m reading the work to Rodulfo, Klain, Dolto and Mannoni. Is to me a big change, because when I began to study psychology  I don’t like the psychoanalysis, but when I knew the theory and the different subject I changed my opinion.  

In this moment I would like read a novel the other kind, for example a book that I would read a long ago is “el cementerio de Praga” of Humberto Eco. That is a fiction novel; the protagonist is Simone Simonini, who in the particular moment knows to the Doctor Freud. I think that is for this I would read the book. The last book I read is “the Gabriel inferno” because in the history talk about the “La Divina Comedia” of Dante Alighieri and I like this book.


  1. Valeska talk about Freud in her blog too!

  2. Hi!
    I must read to freud, for the poststructuralism's course. I must read the text called Fetichism.
